
Vitagora's food innovation blog


Science and tech intelligence,
trends and best practices

26 Jan 2022

Institutional catering in France: evolving consumer expectations and emerging innovations

Soggy asparagus, overcooked fish or watery spinach… Are these the pervasive memories French people have of “canteen” food? Well, in 2021, institutional catering meals (served in the cafeterians of companies, institutions or schools, for example) in fact had a positive image for 69% of French adults (source: Ifop report for SNRC – November 2021). Speed and ease of use, a friendly ambiance, diverse and high-quality products, but also digitali…

10 Dec 2021

Methods for exploring the links between emotions and food choices

Standing in front of a kitchen cupboard, a market stall or the shelves of a supermarket, how do consumers carry out their food choices? How are decisions made about the composition of a meal or a trolley?   According to experts, rational criteria (such as price, availability, or labels of quality) take second place to emotions in our decisions about food.   What links are there between food and emotions? What tools and methodologies can…

16 Nov 2021

What does flexitarianism mean for meat consumption in France?

In our circles, working on food innovation consumer trends, flexitarianism is a frequent topic of conversation, as are meat-free proteins and plant-based foods. I recently hosted a webinar on the topic of new sources of protein (you can see it here – in French).   So just for once, today I’ll be talking about… meat! While the overall quantities of meat eaten in France have been going down over the last 30 years, the picture is being more n…

28 Feb 2020

Vitawatch: agri-food intelligence roundup for February 2020

Food and health, consumer behaviours, packaging, formulation, sustainable agriculture… What are the latest scientific advances for agri-food from around the world?   A beverage able to control your blood sugar level, a detailed analysis of your microbiota, satellite data used to improve agricultural yields in Africa, the influence of social media on diet... scientific research is ongoing in all areas of agri-food innovation.   Read our Vita…

12 Nov 2019

Older consumers in France: how to get to know them?

A survey carried out by Kantar Worldpanel in 2018 showed us that older consumers in France are les interested by retailer own brands than they were 10 years ago ( you can find out more here -in French). A fast-growing segment of France's population, projected to reach 39% in 2070 (INSEE), it is also a segment with a lot of buying power and a strong taste for quality in their food purchases. However, they are also a group of consumers that is…

15 May 2018

Clean Label: the questions to help you meet your consumers' expectations

In France, 49% of consumers claim not to trust food brands (source: Obsoco; 2016). This erosion of trust is not a purely French phenomenon and many other countries are in the same situation. In response to this crisis, clean labels are an increasing demand from markets: it is a question, for consumers, of reconnecting with authentic and natural food, that they can understand. But are we sure that clean label recipes developed by food manufactur…


Compte-tenu des mesures prises par le gouvernement, concernant la situation sanitaire liée à la propagation du virus COVID-19, toutes les réunions physiques, manifestations, et visites en entreprise sont à nouveau suspendues à partir du vendredi 30 octobre 2020 à minima jusqu'au 1er décembre.

Cependant, tout comme lors du confinement de printemps, toute l’équipe Vitagora adopte des mesures de télétravail et reste entièrement disponible pour répondre à vos questions et demandes liées aux services et actions proposés par Vitagora.

Nous vous rappelons qu’une cellule de crise au sein de Vitagora liée à l’impact du COVID-19 sur l’activité de nos entreprises agroalimentaires régionales, en lien avec l’ANIA et les autorités régionales, est toujours en place.

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