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01 March 2024

© AgriDataSpace   The AgriDataSpace project, launched under a mandate from the European Commission, is coordinated by Agdatahub.It aims to pave the way for a European data space for agriculture that facilitates the sharing, processing and analysis of data in a secure, reliable, transparent and accountable way. This would create new opportunities for monitoring and optimizing the use of natural resources, and stimulate data-driven innovation.   AgriDataSpace project objectives Provide a reference framework for organizing and securing data exchanges between players in the European agricultural sector. Establish a data economy in which the value generated is distributed equitably between…

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05 January 2022

Updates on Vitagora's innovation projects SWEET - Sugar replacers: measuring sustainability thanks to life cycle assessments   The European research project SWEET*, of which Vitagora is a parter, has the goal of analysing the long term effects o…

30 September 2021

On Wednesday September 29th, the final of the the Eco Agrifood Challenge took place, with 5 start-ups being selected for their innovations in service of the transition towards agroecological practices. From 190 applications, 13 finalists were se…

29 September 2021

The drivers of nutritional change, the impact of digital technologies on children, and optimising the aging of white wines NuTWInd: understanding the nutritional transition in the French West Indies Faced with rising levels of obesity and chronic…

30 June 2021

Sustainable microalgae for aquaculture, and preventing age-related cognitive decline DEMETRA: Environmental optimisation of the production of microalgae biofilms Food production, arable land and fish stocks are under pressure, and our societies a…

11 June 2021

For over 10 years, Vitagora has been building a working relationship with Japan’s agri-food sector, with the goal of facilitating collaborations between French and Japanese research and industry players.   One of Vitagora’s main partners in Ja…

28 May 2021

An innovation contest for start-ups and SMEs to accelerate the transition to agro-ecological food production On June 1st, 2021, Agronov, Vitagora, le Village by CA Champagne-Bourgogne and INRAE, in partnership with 6 companies and professional ass…

30 March 2021

News of Vitagora's accredited projects FOODSAFEBIOPACK - Towards safer food contact materials In the context of increasing demands for bio-sourced, recyclable or biodegradeable food packaging, cellulose fibres appear as a viable solution from a t…

23 March 2021

Des innovations au service d’une alimentation saine, savoureuse et durable   This spring, five new startups and innovative SMEs have been selected to join the ToasterLAB agrifood acceleration program, run by Vitagora.   Bulk retail of liquids,…


Compte-tenu des mesures prises par le gouvernement, concernant la situation sanitaire liée à la propagation du virus COVID-19, toutes les réunions physiques, manifestations, et visites en entreprise sont à nouveau suspendues à partir du vendredi 30 octobre 2020 à minima jusqu'au 1er décembre.

Cependant, tout comme lors du confinement de printemps, toute l’équipe Vitagora adopte des mesures de télétravail et reste entièrement disponible pour répondre à vos questions et demandes liées aux services et actions proposés par Vitagora.

Nous vous rappelons qu’une cellule de crise au sein de Vitagora liée à l’impact du COVID-19 sur l’activité de nos entreprises agroalimentaires régionales, en lien avec l’ANIA et les autorités régionales, est toujours en place.

Vous pouvez joindre cette cellule de crise pour toute demande relative à ce sujet au 06 72 39 66 96, Tom Vaudoux, ou par email, au

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