30 September 2021

Eco Agrifood Challenge: the winners


On Wednesday September 29th, the final of the the Eco Agrifood Challenge took place, with 5 start-ups being selected for their innovations in service of the transition towards agroecological practices. From 190 applications, 13 finalists were selected, of which 5 were awarded cash prizes and development support packages: Osiris Agriculture (1st prize), Rize (2nd prize), and Sabi Agri (3rd prize), with two additional prizes being awarded to Amiroy and Yeasty Food. 


The Eco Agrifood Challenge was organised by Agronov, Vitagora, le Village by CA Champagne Bourgogne and INRAE, with the final being held at the International City of Gastronomy and WIne in Dijon. This start-up challenge aimed to identify and award the best start-ups offering innovation able to promote or accelerate the transition to ecological agricultural practices, to be used by farmers, food companies or consumers. The start-ups who applied could be developing technologies, experimental practices, ingredients or foods, or solutions for promoting agroecological products to consumers. In total, 190 applications were received, including 60% from outside of France.


The winners:

  • First prize : Osiris Agriculture - https://osiris-agriculture.fr/ - Lille (59), FRANCE
    Automated robot able to undertake irrigation, fertilisation, weeding and crop protection tasks
  • Second prize: Rize - https://www.rizeag.com/ - Paris (75), FRANCE
    Rize is the platform where farmers can find solutions to evaluate their carbon footprint and finance their carbon action
  • Third prize: Sabi Agri - https://www.sabi-agri.com/ – Saint Beauzire (63), FRANCE
    Electronic agroequipment to meet farmers' needs and promote agroecological practices


  • NESTLÉ-PURINA Special prize: Yeasty - http://yeastyfood.fr/ – Evry (91), FRANCE
    We upcycle brewery yeast to make healthy and protein-rich foods
  • TERRES UNIVIA-TERRES INOVIA Special prize : Amiroy - https://amiroy.fr/ – Arc-Les-Gray (70), FRANCE
    Chitosan-base plant biostimulants to replace fertilisers and biocides in food production


The jury members: Fabrice Martin (INRAe - UMR Agroécologie), Alain Clerc (Crédit Agricole Champagne Bourgogne), Claire Molas (Nestlé Purina), Laurent Rosso (Terres Inovia – Terres Univia), Hervé Martin (Dijon Céréales), Olivier Coiffu (Atol Conseils & Développements), Olivier Hinquenbrant (agriculteur), Jean Michel Rabiet (agriculteur)

The organisers of the Eco Agrifood Challenge: Agronov, Vitagora, le Village by CA Champagne-Bourgogne, INRAE

The partners:  Nestlé Purina, Terres Univia/Terres Inovia, Dijon Céréales/Alliance BFC, AgDataHub, Atol Conseils & Développements


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