28 May 2021
Vitagora launches the Eco Agrifood Challenge
An innovation contest for start-ups and SMEs to accelerate the transition to agro-ecological food production
On June 1st, 2021, Agronov, Vitagora, le Village by CA Champagne-Bourgogne and INRAE, in partnership with 6 companies and professional associations, launched an international pitch contest for start-ups and SMEs in order to identify and accelerate innovations contributing to or promoting sustainable practices of agricultural productions for the human food and petfood sectors.
The contest is open to start-ups and SMEs from throughout the world who will be eligible to win cash prizes and targeted acceleration support packages.
Providing solutions or stimulating market demand
The Eco Agrifood Challenge is seeking innovations at or beyond the proof of concept stage able to address the problems of farmers, manufacturers, retailers or consumers of human or pet food and provide tangible evidence of accelerating the transition towards agro-ecological food production.
The innovations can be in the form of a technology or equipment to address the needs of farmers or food manufacturers, an expertise or service in innovative farming practices, an innovative food product or ingredient, an organisational model of a sustainable supply chain, or a solution for communicating to consumers able to drive market demand for agroecological food or petfood products.
Cash prizes up to 5,000€ and development support
The final of the Eco Agrifood Challenge will take place on September 28th and 29th, 2021, in Dijon, France. About 15 finalists will be invited to pitch for a jury of the contest partners and agrifood business representatives. Three winners will be awarded cash prizes of up to 5,000€ and access to a variety of development support resources.
Two special prizes will also be awarded to high potential applications for oil/protein crops and for the petfood sector respectively. The special prizes, providing free access to the ToasterLAB acceleration program run by Vitagora, are sponsored by Nestlé Purina and Terres Univia/Terres Inovia.
Online applications at: www.eco-agrifood-challenge.com
Application deadline: July, 20th, 2021
*Eco AgriFood Challenge partners
Press contact:
Marthe Jewell, marthe.jewell@vitagora.com, +33 (0)6 60 65 87 16