Digital habits of children and adolescents: how do they impact eating behaviors?

November 28, 2024 - 12:OOpm to 1:00pm




Are you interested in learning how to measure the digital maturity of children and adolescents and its influence on their eating behaviors?   


The European project DIGYMATEX focuses on developing tools to understand and assess the digital maturity of children and adolescents aged 9 to 16, examining its impact on their relationship with information and communication technologies. One key area of study is how digital maturity relates to their eating habits. 


Join our upcoming webinar to explore the project’s findings and gain insights into the connections between digital habits and eating behaviors in children and adolescents. 


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You will receive a Teams connection Link the day before the event.

Practical information



  • Presentation of the Digymatex project and the concept of Digital Maturity 
  • Research findings on the digital maturity of children and adolescents and its influence on their eating behaviors 
  • Discussion on research outcomes: our experts will explore the implications of this research for parenting and education  
  • Q&A session 



  • Ragnhild Eg, Senior researcher, NOFIMA 
  • Sophie Nicklaus, Research Director at Centre for Taste and Feeding Behavior (CSGA), INRAE 
  • Marco Hubert, Professor in Digitalization, Aarhus University  


This webinar is free of charge for everyone but the registration is required


Thank you to our partners


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