10 avril 2024 / Webinaire / Replay / Vitagora / Sciences et technologies

Vita'Connect 2024 - Shaping Bio EU Project Bioeconomy workshop: valorisation of sidestreams for food


ShapingBio is a Horizon Europe project aiming to create a better understanding  and information basis of the bioeconomy innovation eco-system, including the agrifood sector. This project works on providing a comprehensive mapping and analysis of initiatives, structures, policy instruments and key gaps across the EU macro-regions and different sectors related to:

  • Applied R&D and technology transfer
  • Policy and governance
  • Collaboration (cross-sectoral)
  • Financing


In the framework of this project a workshop will be held on April 4th, the objective is to bring together bioeconomy food actors to discuss challenges, identify potential recommendations and create new opportunities. The focus of this workshop will be on the valorization of side streams.


A set of working groups will be animated by experts on different topics and it will be the chance to share insights and thoughts related to bioeconomy policies and interactions.

Introduction - presentation of the Shaping Bio project objectives 

Piret FISCHER – Fraunhoffer ISI


Applied R&D challenges

Maria Isabel CISNEROS – Vitagora

Context presentation and 2 case studies

Consumers and industry’s needs and challenges             

Helle VEDEL FRIIS – Food and Bio Cluster Denmark

Case study France: Lola BONNIN - Maltivor

Overview on regulations for side stream valorisation in food bieconomy
Katia Merten-Lentz, Partner of Food Law Science & Partners





Votre contact :

Pauline Fuster


+33 (0)3 80 78 97 91


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