Testimonials - Inspiring value-creating innovation

In their words...

Pépinières Guillaume [SME]

A leading viticulture nursery, Pépinières Guillaume has been specialised since 1895 in producing quality grafted grapevines.


They have been a member of Vitagora since 2009.

"Vitagora is an ideal platform for setting up collaborative innovation projects, especially those developing public-private partnerships."

Pierre-Marie Guillaume, Director


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Wagralim [Cluster]

Wagralim is a food industry cluster for the Wallonia region of Belgium, created in 2006.


Wagralim and Vitagora have developed a close working relationship since 2010.

"For nearly 10 years now, the Wagralim cluster has been working closely with the Vitagora cluster on various projects: collaborative project set up, benchmarking, collective missions,…


Our two clusters have most recently worked closely as partners of New Frontiers in Food, a COSME-funded SME development project.
Their team is reactive, professional and of high quality. We have developed an excellent working relationship and we greatly appreciate having them as a partner in the development of our international activity."

Isabelle Grommet, International Development


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CHU Dijon [research centre]

Among its missions, CHU DIJON (university hospital) carries out research programs, often in partnership with other public health institutions, scientific institutes or with the private sector.

"Vitagora and its team assisted us from the beginning of our project development. This assistance was faultless with a great availability by the team. The cluster was a sort of driver pushing us forward and allowing us to gain a greater visibility and ambition than the partnerships we had undertaken up till that point."

Virginie Van Wymelbeke, doctor of nutrition 


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Global Sensing Technologies [SME]

Global Sensing Technologies, a specialist in on board electronics since 2006, markets and develops lightweight systems integrating artificial intelligence.


GST has been a member of Vitagora since 2012.

"The Vitagora team was very quickly able to ascertain the potential of our technologies and to guide us towards food business partners. We are today involved in three major innovation projects (Neuro-DSP, DAMAV and IRIS +) that are a major contribution to our development in terms of contracts and recruitments."

Michel Paindavoine, co-founder


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Cave de Lugny [SME]

A producer of fine Burgundy Wines, Cave de Lugny is a forward-looking company with an interest in innovation.


Cave de Lugny hs been a member of Vitagora since 2013.

"For several years, being a member of Vitagora has allowed us to gather intelligence on a number of projects and innovative initiatives in the food sector. Recently, we took the step from observing to becoming partners in an ambitious project with a number of innovators and experts. This project will allow us to gain a technological tool essential to our profession as wine produceurs. Our action plan was quickly and efficiently put into action thanks to Vitagora."

Edouard Cassanet, General Manager


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Do you want to become a member of Vitagora?


Bérengère Moindrot


+33 380 78 97 91


Compte-tenu des mesures prises par le gouvernement, concernant la situation sanitaire liée à la propagation du virus COVID-19, toutes les réunions physiques, manifestations, et visites en entreprise sont à nouveau suspendues à partir du vendredi 30 octobre 2020 à minima jusqu'au 1er décembre.

Cependant, tout comme lors du confinement de printemps, toute l’équipe Vitagora adopte des mesures de télétravail et reste entièrement disponible pour répondre à vos questions et demandes liées aux services et actions proposés par Vitagora.

Nous vous rappelons qu’une cellule de crise au sein de Vitagora liée à l’impact du COVID-19 sur l’activité de nos entreprises agroalimentaires régionales, en lien avec l’ANIA et les autorités régionales, est toujours en place.

Vous pouvez joindre cette cellule de crise pour toute demande relative à ce sujet au 06 72 39 66 96, Tom Vaudoux, ou par email, au elisabeth.lustrat@vitagora.com.

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