01 March 2024

AgriDataSpace – Build a European data-sharing space for agriculture

© AgriDataSpace


The AgriDataSpace project, launched under a mandate from the European Commission, is coordinated by Agdatahub.
It aims to pave the way for a European data space for agriculture that facilitates the sharing, processing and analysis of data in a secure, reliable, transparent and accountable way. This would create new opportunities for monitoring and optimizing the use of natural resources, and stimulate data-driven innovation.


AgriDataSpace project objectives

  • Provide a reference framework for organizing and securing data exchanges between players in the European agricultural sector.
  • Establish a data economy in which the value generated is distributed equitably between the various links in the chain, including farmers.
  • Build a decentralized agricultural data space based on existing national data exchange solutions.
  • Involve stakeholders in various evaluation and validation activities in order to reach a broad consensus and support the development of the agricultural data space.

The project has three main focuses:

  • Axis 1: Understand and map the current landscape of ongoing data sharing initiatives and design approaches in agriculture.
  • Axis 2: Assess the constituent elements and current structures (governance, business model, ethics and legislation) to develop a profitable and accountable multi-stakeholder governance system for the European agricultural data space.
  • Axis 3: Develop a roadmap that compiles all requirements into a comprehensive path towards the implementation of the EU Data Space for Agriculture.

"There's a determination to offer a technological and digital alternative in line with European values. I'm confident in our ability to put in place a realistic roadmap. Beyond the design of the data space, the challenge is to propose a scenario that is validated and supported by the entire agricultural sector," explains Thomas Gomez, European Project Manager at Agdatahub.


Sharing data: the key to transforming agricultural and food systems

Within the agricultural sector, numerous data exchange initiatives have already been launched at national and regional level, reflecting the growing recognition of the potential benefits of information sharing. However, to unleash the full potential of this data, it is important to establish a common framework for data exchange on a European scale. The aim of this framework is to facilitate cross-border collaboration between players in the agricultural sector (farmers, researchers and businesses), ultimately promoting better management of agricultural resources and the implementation of more sustainable practices.


In this respect, the AgriDataSpace project strives to involve all key stakeholders and co-design the roadmap, governance and business models of the European Agricultural Data Space, within the new European regulatory framework on data.


The European Data Space for Agriculture

The European data strategy aims to define a regulatory framework to facilitate data exchanges while respecting European ethical values in terms of security, sovereignty, user protection and market regulation.

By adopting a multi-sectoral approach, this strategy aims to connect the agricultural data space to other sectoral data spaces, strengthening interdisciplinary collaboration and fostering innovation on a European scale. This interconnectivity maximizes the value of agricultural data, integrating it into a wider ecosystem to stimulate research, sustainable development and strengthen Europe's position as a leader in digital transformation.


© iStock.com / Andrey Popov



Funding program

The AgriDataSpace project is funded to the tune of 2 million euros by DG Connect and the European Union as part of the DIGITAL Europe program, and has been accredited by Vitagora. It brings together 15 partners: experts from research institutes, agricultural data intermediaries and industry associations representing 10 countries rooted in the EU data space ecosystem.

Project duration

18 months - October 2022 to March 2024

Project partners



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