06 February 2023

LETSPROSEED - Increasing the diversity of legumes on our plates, including faba beans


The LETSPROSEED project, coordinated by INRAE and accredited by Vitagora, is a winner of the first wave of the ANR France 2030 "Legume Protein" call for projects. Based on the observation that the French population consumes four times less legumes than the world average, and that legumes are therefore under-utilized in our agri-food system, the LETSPROSEED project aims to increase the consumption of legume proteins by improving their quality and processing without compromising stress resistance.

The project targets two axes of the "Legume protein" project call:

  • Area 1: legume production
  • Area 2: processing and consumption of legumes



LETSPROSEED project objectives

  • To provide knowledge and tools to improve the yield and quality of legume proteins: both in terms of genetics and agronomy, and to optimize protein quality and processing.


  • Consider under-utilized but promising protein sources to increase the diversity of legumes in foods.


  • Mobilise different disciplines and players along the value chain for agronomic and genetic improvement, and for product development.

"Ideas emerged very quickly between the partners, who have complementary expertise and were keen to work together to respond to this call for legume protein projects."
Karine Gallardo, Research Director at UMR Agroécologie, and project coordinator.


Improving the yield and quality of legume proteins

Based on the observation that legumes are under-utilized in our agri-food system, the LETSPROSEED project aims to promote the diversification of legumes and select varieties better suited to human consumption. LETSPROSEED focuses on the three most widely grown legumes in France: soybean, pea and faba bean. These legumes offer numerous agronomic, environmental and nutritional qualities that will be studied to improve the yield and quality of legume proteins in the face of reduced inputs and climate change.

Faba beans, a rich source of protein for our diet

Until now, the faba bean has been used mainly for livestock feed. Here, it will be the focus of the "processing and consumption of legumes" area of study, as a protein source for human consumption. A program will contribute to the development of protein-rich legume ingredients, with improved properties, in order to design analogues of dairy products. The fermentation method will be used to improve the sensory and nutritional properties of ingredients and products. The health effects of consuming faba bean-based products will be assessed at the end of the project, including allergy risks and the benefits of fermentation on gut microbiota. The results of LETSPROSEED should thus contribute to food safety regarding legume products.

The important role of secondary metabolites

The LETSPROSEED project also focuses on the study of secondary metabolites, which have an impact on stress tolerance, protein functionality, digestibility and astringency. A better understanding of secondary metabolites and their roles will enable researchers to improve the quality of legume seeds and proteins, without compromising plant and seed resistance to stress.

The LETSPROSEED consortium mobilises different disciplines and players along the value chain to select the most suitable varieties for food applications, and to develop new products based on improved plant proteins.








Funding program

The LETSPROSEED research project is funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) France 2030, and accredited by Vitagora. It brings together 16 partners: 10 research units affiliated to three public institutes (INRAE, Université Caen Normandie, Institut Agro Dijon) and 6 private partners spread across the entire value chain, from the field to the development of products based on legume proteins.

Project duration

6 years - starting January 2023

Project partners

Institut Agro Dijon
Université Caen Normandie
Agri Obtentions
Terres Inovia
Via Végétale


"Major industry partners have joined us. Our partners Danone, Bel and Soredab are going to develop prototypes of complementary dairy analog products. There is a good synergy between them and with all the others. Our partners Via Végétale and Terres Inovia will be contributing to the identification of areas of innovation for leveraging  yield and seed quality, and Agri-Obtentions will contribute to varietal improvement for seed quality. It's very exciting to be working in such a consortium!"
concludes Karine Gallardo.




Le projet LETSPROSEED portant la référence ANR-22-PLEG-0002 bénéficie d’une aide de l’Etat gérée par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre de France 2030.


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