23 March 2021

ToasterLAB: 5 new start-ups join the acceleration program

Des innovations au service d’une alimentation saine, savoureuse et durable


This spring, five new startups and innovative SMEs have been selected to join the ToasterLAB agrifood acceleration program, run by Vitagora.


Bulk retail of liquids, alcoholic sorbets, plant-based alernatuves to meat and fish,  solutions for managing supplies and for reducing food waste in the home, plant-infused waters... The activities of the new cohort correspond to major food and beverage expectations of consumers in terms of health and environmental impact, while searching for moments of eating pleasure.


From the beginning of March 2021, the selected candidates will benefit friom 12 months of support to allow them to launch their industrial and commercial activities in the best possible conditions.


As for 2020, the ToasterLAB acceleration program will take place virtually to take into account the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. Clément Galbois, ToasterLAB Business developer  explains: "thanks to our experience last year, the acceleration sessions are organised to allow our entrepreneurs to gain a maximum of benefit from the advice and support from experts and mentors."


Innovative agri-food start-ups will have two opportunities to join ToasterLAB in 2020: following this first intake, a second call for applications will close in June 2021.


Find out more about ToasterLAB at https://toasterlab.vitagora.com


Caïs – Sorbets meet cocktails


Caïs faithfully reproduces everyone's favourite cocktails in the form of sorbets. These artisanlly produced sorbets are vegan and free from gluten and lactose.

Vrac’Innov – Bulk retailing of liquids


Vrac’Innov has developed an innovative, truly "zero packaging" system for bulk retailing of liquids, allowing the total elimination of single-use containers from the producer to the consumer (palettes, plastic films, single-use bottles). 

Umiami – Plant-based meat alternatives


Umiami has developed a unique and radically different extrusion technology for texturising plant analogues of meat and fish, that stand out for their sensory and nutritional characteristics.

Squikit – The first personal assistant for managing supplies


The Squikit connected solution allows consumers to manage their shopping list, to evaluate their pantry stock and their expiry dates in real time, in the service of reducing food waste. Squikit also offers recipe suggestions to efficiently use your food.

Infuseo – Natural plant-infused waters


Infuseo has developed a range of waters infused with aromatic herbs and real fruit. Their products are free from preservatives, additifs and added sugar. The delicious recipes are rich in vitamins and offer an optimal experience for hydrating and detoxing throughout the day.


Find out more

Press contact:

Marthe Jewell, Vitagora communication manager

Tel  06 60 65 87 16

Email: marthe.jewell@vitagora.com


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